





Optometry Services in St. Johns, FL

We are committed to providing quality eye care to you and your family

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Primary eye care is essential for achieving and maintaining healthy eyes and clear vision. Annual examinations assess your overall ocular health as well as update your vision prescription.

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Contact Lens Fittings

Your contact lens examination is different from your spectacle prescription. As a contact lens sits right on top of the corneal surface, measurements must to be taken in order to properly fit the contact lens onto your cornea.

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LASIK Follow Up

After your surgery, your eyes may feel a little sore, scratchy or itchy, but this should resolve relatively quickly. Blurriness is also expected, but again this should disappear within a few days.

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Diabetic Eye Exams

Diabetes is a medical condition that can also affect your eyes. When high blood sugar levels are present, damage occurs to the delicate retinal blood vessels and thus is termed Diabetic Retinopathy.

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Emergency Care

At Coastal Clear Eyecare, we understand that emergencies happen and we provide urgent care for our patients.

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Myopia Management

Myopia is a very common issue throughout the world. Approximately 1/3 of the population in the United States have the condition and over 90% of several East Asian countries suffer from myopia. While myopia may seem like such a common condition that it shouldn’t be cause for concern, it is actually associated with several very serious conditions that can threaten one’s ability to see.

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Ocular Disease Management

Doctors also recommend eating more fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. This has been linked to a potentially reduced risk of cataracts or their progression. You may also consider taking a multivitamin that contains Vitamin C and E.

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Dry Eye Treatment

While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading. Not to mention the discomfort of a burning sensation or blurry vision. Let’s take a look at dry eye treatments – from simple self-care to innovative prescriptions and therapies – to help you see clearly and comfortably.

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Pink Eye

When you were a kid, did you experience your eyes become reddish and all of a sudden, someone close to you was also suffering from it? Your eyes, as well as those who contracted it, got itchy and swollen, right? Then it must have been that you were suffering from pink eye.

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Computer Vision Syndrome

Just a few decades ago, computer vision syndrome (CVS) was not known or understood. However, with an increase in the role of computers in our lives, it has become an increasingly common issue. Researchers believe that 50-90% of people who use computers in their daily lives have experienced CVS to some degree. The amount of time that many people stare into a computer screen is increasing, which puts significant strain on our eyes.

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Glaucoma Testing

You might be surprised at how many tests eye doctors use to diagnose glaucoma. A proper diagnosis requires careful evaluation of many aspects of your eye’s health – from eye pressure to cornea thickness to the health of your optic nerve. This article describes how your eye doctor assesses your risk and all the tests needed to properly diagnose glaucoma.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration, commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is the single largest cause of sight loss in the developed world and affects more than 10 million Americans. It usually affects people over the age of 60, but has been known to affect those who are younger. It is a painless condition that usually affects both eyes with the loss being experienced in the central vision. It does not affect the peripheral vision, meaning that it does not cause total blindness.

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Want to learn more about our optometry services? Call to schedule a consultation today.

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